Manhattan Experimental Theater Workshop

a program of the Manhattan Arts Center in Manhattan, Kansas

Tech Help

Scheduling Tech Help

How to Use this Website

If You Can’t Access a PDF

Sometimes Google is lame and it won’t let you view a PDF even though we swear we opened up the permissions for anyone with a link. Just click the ask for permissions button and Gwethalyn will get an email alert to let you access the pdf. If that’s not working or you need it right away, you can let another director know via GroupMe or email.

How to Use Zoom

Zoom basics:

Due to the nature of our work, there are some advanced tools on Zoom we will use often in the workshop. Below is a list of them and how to access them on a Zoom call.

Turn off mirroring

Because Zoom automatically mirrors video, we often turn this feature off, so that we can see ourselves as we are seen by the other performers and the audience.

  1. click the carrot top next to the Stop Video button at the bottom of the screen to pull up a menu
  2. Select Video Settings…
  3. Uncheck the box next to Mirror my video

Turn on original sound

Zoom automatically filters out background noise to create better audio, but often we want to stop this filtering so that we can better hear each other when speaking simultaneously.

  1. Click the carrot top next to the Mute button at the bottom of the screen to pull up a menu
  2. Select Audio Settings…
  3. Check the box for Turn on Original Sound

Hide non video participants

This option makes it so anyone in the Zoom call who turns their camera off will no longer be seen on screen. This is helpful for doing small group work.

  1. click the carrot top next to the Stop Video button at the bottom of the screen to pull up a menu
  2. Select Video Settings…
  3. Check the box for Hide non-video participants

How to Use FlipGrid

FlipGrid is a resource we can use to store our videos without having them take up space on our computer. If you have questions about FlipGrid, check out this Google Slide.


We will be using GroupMe to communicate information with the whole group. GroupMe is a group texting app that you can download from the app store on your phone. If you choose not to download the app, you can also receive text messages from GroupMe on your phone instead. At the beginning of the workshop we will add all of you to the GroupMe by phone number.